The Library
The Felted Dragon does not only specialize in hand-crafted goods, we’re also home to a few talented writers! Every book listed below was written by either myself, an employee, or a close friend of ours. As these books release, we will update each individual listing with direct links to where they can be purchased, and in-depth reviews will eventually be featured on our blog.
Releasing October 2025
The return of a race thought long extinct threatens to plunge the kingdom of Dinavhek into chaos…
The people of Dinavhek believe the goddess Anikasi has abandoned them as they have turned against their elven neighbors, isolating themselves entirely from the majority of the world.
Their crown prince, horrified by the corruption within his own inner council, seeks to repair the damage wrought by his ancestors and unite Dinavhek with the outer world once more.
Meanwhile, the descendants of a long-forgotten race of shape-shifters have slowly begun to return to Dinavhek. The dark secret they harbor could very well be the kingdom’s undoing.
Prince Adsuni and the mysterious refugee Aasimah must set aside their differences and work together to put an end to the corruption of the inner council, but will it be enough to save Dinavhek?
Release Date Pending
The long memory of the elves may yet be the key to saving Dinavhek…
As winter approaches, Prince Adsuni and his friends find themselves racing against time to reach Lesser Helisfar, the land of the elves. Along the way, they find themselves under near-constant siege from their relentless pursuers.
Aasimah, robbed of her ability to speak with her companions, struggles to come to terms with her condition.
Alongside them are the knight Glanen, seemingly broken by the betrayal of his greatest idol, and the street urchin “Rascal,” who feels strangely at home within this fractured group.
Together, they plan to seek out the assistance of the elves, but will they be willing to come to the aid of one of their greatest enemies?
Release Date Pending
A tale of two worlds…
In one, the far-flung past when all the land-masses were one – and so were the oceans – a great civilization of aquatic beings possessing many similarities to us lived in the one great sea, under the protection and guidance of a godlike being known to them as The Serpent.
Following a proclamation by The Serpent of the changing of times and the rise of new dominant life on Earth (meant to reference the rise of life on land, and the creatures that will eventually lead to humans), Panthalassa is ripped apart by bloody internecine squabbles, politics, and power grabs as various parties are divided between remaining loyal to The Serpent, and seizing power for themselves, whatever their motives be.
In an act of desperation, The Serpent forcibly opens a rift in time, and crosses through it, proclaiming that on the other side of The Divide lies another ocean that Thalassian-kind may be able to call a home. Beyond it lies…
Release Date Pending
A vampire story unlike any other…
Description pending
All of these books will be available on Amazon, in Kindle and Print format.
News & Previews
Mid-January Updates
Vendui abbilen! And wow, I finally got around to designing my blog for this site! Since I desperately needed to have a post on here to see how the layout looks, I thought this would be a good opportunity to talk about updates, because there have been a few in the last...